Carmelite Sisters of St Teresa

Tel. No: +918028465465
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“Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in his love than in your own weakness” – Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Aspirancy is a period of one year. It is to help the candidates to grow in human maturity in order to discern the presence of the grace of vocation.

This is a stage when the candidate discerns her attraction and capacity to love and live the CSST way of life and mission.


After aspirancy the candidates are received into postulancy which lasts for nine months. They are gradually introduced into the CSST way of life. They are given classes, with particular emphasis on the Carmelite tradition, Scriptures, community life and the life of our foundress. Postulants are acquainted with both the liturgical prayer (liturgy of the hours) and mental prayer. The focus is on Integral human formation.


“Fill your mind with everything that is true, everything that is noble, everything that is good and pure, everything that we love and honor, and everything that can be thought virtuous or worthy of praise….Then the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4: 8-9)

The novitiate normally lasts two years. The purpose of it is to give the novices a greater understanding of their religious vocation in the institute.

The first year of the novitiate is spent at

St. Teresa’s Novitiate Whitefield and includes a period of theological, philosophical, ascetical and spiritual formation, indispensable to the development of a life of deep union with God and the understanding of religious consecration.

During the second year of novitiate held at St. Teresa’s Convent Geddalahalli, the novices spend two months in regular communities outside the novitiate house and a month is spend for exposure programme.

They learn in progressive stages that prayer and activity are linked together inseparably.

Novices realize that for anyone who wants to be formed as true disciple of Jesus Christ, self emptying is a non-negotiable requirement and this entails being in effective solidarity with the poor and the marginalized and to pitch one’s camp with them.

With this conviction of mind, the novices set out for their exposure programme.

First Profession


“If we become humble and sincere, God will finish in us the work He has begun.”

Responding to the call to dedicate their entire lives to God by a special consecration, the sisters promise to observe the three evangelical counsels by the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.

Juniorate and Tertianship


Ordinarily the period of time between first profession and perpetual profession is six years. During this time of temporary profession, the sister is involved in professional studies or work in a CSST apostolate while intensifying her life of prayer and common life. They are given regular help to evaluate, interiorize and re-assimilate the Charism and tradition of our CSST way of life, through seminars, get-togethers, and short term courses.

Junior sisters in group activity

Summer Courses of Junior sisters

Superior General with the Junior sisters


The Tertianship, the preparation period for the perpetual vows is organized in Suvidya Nilaya, Mysore.

Tertianship program includes a thirty days of retreat following the Ignatian method. Tertianship is a period of study, disciplined way of life, personal accompaniment in the inward journey undertaken, prolonged reflection on the life, vows, institute and church activities in both local and international dimensions.

To own nothing but have everything; loving all people without any strings attached; doing what the world thinks is foolish; having faith in the one who called you. Remain focused on him for healing, love, forgiveness and care through living in community.

Final profession

“Lord grant the prayers of your people
Prepare the heart of your servant
For consecration to your service
By the grace of the Holy Spirit purify her from all sin
And set her on fire with your love.”

Making perpetual vows is not the end of our spiritual formation… It is only the beginning.

Ongoing – Seminars/ get-togethers/renewal programme

The years after final commitment are a time of ongoing formation which is a life-long process of renewal and growth. The goal is to deepen the human, Christian and religious dimension of our life. We are called upon to deepen the contemplative dimension of our lives- to grow in deeper awareness of God and a deep love and attachment to Him. The need to see God in all things and all things in God! With this contemplative attitude we view the realities of today and respond to today’s situations with a compassionate heart.

This ongoing formation urges us to re-commit ourselves to the living out of our charism with a special thrust for the poor and marginalized.

The role of ongoing formation is the renewal of religious life. Renewal implies returning to the sources…to start afresh from Christ. It involves getting in touch with the inner spark of love which led to the consecrated way of life.

“Holiness is the fruit of the encounter with him in the many presences in which we can discover His face in daily life – a suffering face and at the same time the face of the risen one.” (Starting afresh from Christ)

Seminars and Retreats

Seminars play as necessary instruments for the spiritual and doctrinal formation of the sisters, encouraging them to grow continuously in fidelity to the gift of the divine call which is ever new.


  • St. Teresa's Generalate
  • Geddalahalli, Kothanur P.O.Bangalore
  • Email :
  • Tel. No.: +918028465465